In Indonesia, the word “how” is translated to “bagaimana”. The word “to” is translated to “ke”. When put together, “how to” is translated to “bagaimana cara”. This phrase is used to ask someone how to do something. The tone of voice should be informative when asking this question.
What do you say in Indonesia?
What do you say in Indonesia?
In Indonesia, there are a few key phrases that you will need to know in order to get by. Below are some of the most important phrases to know.
Hello: Selamat pagi (sah-lah-maht PAH-gee)
Goodbye: Selamat tinggal (sah-lah-maht TEEng-gahl)
Thank you: Terima kasih (tuh-REE-mah kah-see)
Yes: Ya (yah)
No: Tidak (tee-DAHK)
Please: Tolong (toh-long)
Do you speak English?: Bisakah Anda berbicara bahasa Inggris? (bee-SAH-kah AHN-dah behr-BEE-chah-rah bah-hah-sah een-GREEZ?)
How do you say the word Indonesia?
How do you say the word Indonesia?
The word Indonesia is pronounced “In-de-nuh-see-uh. The “In” is pronounced like the “In” in the word “Ink”, and the “duh” is pronounced like the “duh” in the word “dumb”. The “see” is pronounced like the “see” in the word “seek”, and the “uh” is pronounced like the “uh” in the word “huh”.
How do you greet in Indonesia?
In Indonesia, there are a few different ways that you can greet someone, depending on the situation and the relationship between the two people. The most common way to greet someone is to say “hello” or “good morning/ afternoon/ evening. You can also say “thank you” or “sorry” when appropriate.
If you are meeting someone for the first time, you can say “hello” or “nice to meet you”. You can also say “thank you” or “sorry” if necessary.
If you are meeting someone you know, you can say “hello” or “hi”. You can also say “thank you” or “sorry” if necessary.
In Indonesia, it is considered polite to use a formal tone of voice when greeting someone, even if you are meeting them for the first time.
How do you say how much in Indonesian?
In Indonesian, the way to ask “How much?” is “Berapa harganya?” This can be translated to “How much does it cost?” in English. To say “How much is it?” in Indonesian, you would say “Berapa uangnya?”
What is hello in Bali?
In the Balinese language, “hello” is “om swasta” or “hello, Mr./Mrs. (title).” In English, “hello” is just “hello.” When you first meet someone, you say “hello” to them. You can also say “hello” when you see someone you know, even if you’ve just seen them a few minutes ago. “Hello” is a polite way to greet someone.
What is Selamat sore?
Selamat sore is a polite Indonesian phrase which means “Good afternoon.” It can be used as a salutation, as in “Good afternoon, everyone,” or as a parting phrase, as in “Good afternoon, see you later.
How do you say Bali?
How do you say Bali?
The word “Bali” is actually derived from the Balinese word “Bale” which means “house”. So when you’re asking someone how to say Bali in Balinese, you’re asking how to say “house” in Balinese.
In Balinese, the word for “Bali” is “Bale Bali.