What time is it in Jakarta, Indonesia?
The time in Jakarta, Indonesia is 7 PM Eastern Time.
Jakarta is in the Western Standard Time Zone. The time zone is 7 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
What is US EST time now?
US EST time is the timezone for the United States’ Eastern Standard Time. EST is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and is used in the eastern parts of the country. The timezone is also used in Caribbean nations such as the Bahamas, Haiti, and Jamaica.
What do you call Jakarta time?
Jakarta time is a time zone used in Indonesia. It is 7 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+7).
How far ahead is Jakarta time?
Jakarta is located in the Indonesian province of Java. The Indonesian province of Java is on the same longitude as Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Jakarta is about two hours ahead of Thailand, two hours behind Cambodia, and two and a half hours behind Vietnam.
Is Indonesia in eastern time?
Is Indonesia in eastern time?
Indonesia spans two time zones, western and eastern. The western time zone is UTC+7, while the eastern time zone is UTC+8. This means that the western part of Indonesia observes daylight saving time, while the eastern part does not.
The time zone difference can be confusing for foreigners, as all of Indonesia uses the same time zone name – Jakarta time. If you are in the western part of Indonesia, the time will be 7 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). If you are in the eastern part of Indonesia, the time will be 8 hours ahead of GMT.
What does 7pm ET mean?
7pm ET is the time at which the nightly news is aired on most American television networks. The “ET” stands for Eastern Time, which is one of the five time zones in the United States.
What is the difference between EST and ET?
EST (Eastern Standard Time) and ET (Eastern Time) are both time zones in the Eastern United States. EST is five hours behind UTC (Greenwich Mean Time) and ET is four hours behind UTC.
Does Indonesia have 3 time zones?
Yes, Indonesia has three time zones, Western Indonesia Time (WIB), Central Indonesia Time (WITA), and Eastern Indonesia Time (WIT). The time zones are based on the geographical location of the islands in Indonesia. The time zone that is used in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, is WIB.