How many miles are there between New York and Indonesia?
The distance between New York City, in the United States, and Jakarta, in Indonesia, is 8,695 miles (14,120 kilometers).
There are many ways to calculate the distance between two points on a map. The most direct route between New York City and Jakarta is 8,695 miles long, but it’s not always the fastest or most efficient route. Depending on your starting point and destination, the total distance between New York City and Jakarta could be as much as 9,194 miles.
If you’re looking for a way to quickly calculate the distance between two points, try using Google Maps. Just enter the two addresses into the search bar, and Google will calculate the distance for you.
No matter how you do the math, the distance between New York City and Jakarta is a long one. If you’re looking to fly between the two cities, be prepared for a long journey. The total flight time from New York City to Jakarta is about 17 hours and 30 minutes.
How far is Indonesia from New York by plane?
Indonesia is located approximately 8,000 miles from New York City. To travel to Indonesia from New York City, a passenger would need to take a direct flight that lasts approximately 18 hours. There are a few different airlines that offer direct flights from New York City to Indonesia, including Emirates, Singapore Airlines, and Qatar Airways.
How far is Bali from New York by plane?
How far is Bali from New York by plane?
Bali is located about 8,000 miles from New York City. The flight from New York to Bali takes approximately 16 hours and 30 minutes, depending on the route and aircraft.
Is Indonesia close to Hawaii?
Is Indonesia close to Hawaii? The answer to this question is a bit complicated. Indonesia is located in Southeast Asia, while Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean, more than 4,000 miles away. However, there are a few small Indonesian islands located much closer to Hawaii than the main island of Indonesia.
The closest Indonesian islands to Hawaii are the Selayar Islands. These islands are located about 620 miles from Hawaii. The Selayar Islands are a small chain of islands that are part of the larger Sulawesi island. Other Indonesian islands located closer to Hawaii include the Banggai Islands (680 miles from Hawaii) and the Sula Islands (725 miles from Hawaii).
The main island of Indonesia is located about 2,600 miles from Hawaii. This is much farther than the small Indonesian islands located closer to Hawaii. However, the main island of Indonesia is a much larger and more populous island than the small islands closer to Hawaii.
So, is Indonesia close to Hawaii? The answer to this question depends on which Indonesian islands you are talking about. The small Indonesian islands located closer to Hawaii are much closer to Hawaii than the main island of Indonesia. However, the main island of Indonesia is much larger than the small islands closer to Hawaii and has a much larger population.
Is Dubai close to Indonesia?
Is Dubai close to Indonesia?
The answer to this question is both yes and no. Dubai is located in the United Arab Emirates, which is located on the Arabian Peninsula. Indonesia is located on the island of Java in Southeast Asia. The two countries are over 7,000 miles apart, so they are not close geographically. However, they do have some trade ties and there is some tourism between the two countries.
One of the main ways that Dubai and Indonesia are connected is through trade. Indonesia is a major exporter of oil and gas, and Dubai is a major hub for oil and gas exports. There is also some trade in other goods, such as palm oil, textiles, and cars.
There is also some tourism between the two countries. Many people in Indonesia visit Dubai for its luxury hotels and resorts. Many people in Dubai visit Indonesia for its beaches, volcanoes, and jungles.
Overall, Dubai and Indonesia are not close geographically, but they do have some trade ties and some tourism between the two countries.
How long is the flight from Jakarta to NY?
The flight from Jakarta to New York City is approximately 17 hours long. The first leg of the trip is a direct flight from Jakarta to Dubai, which is approximately eight hours long. From Dubai, there is a connecting flight to New York City, which is approximately nine hours long.
How much is flight ticket from Indonesia to New York?
There are many factors that will affect the cost of a flight ticket from Indonesia to New York. Some of the most important factors include the airline, the date of travel, and the time of travel.
Generally speaking, flight tickets from Indonesia to New York will be more expensive during the summer months and around holiday periods. Conversely, they will be cheaper during the winter months.
Some of the most popular airlines that fly from Indonesia to New York include Emirates, Qatar Airways, and Etihad Airways. The cost of a flight ticket with these airlines will vary depending on the route, the time of travel, and the date of travel.
It is worth noting that there are often many flight deals available online, so it is worth doing some research before purchasing a flight ticket.
How far is Thailand from New York by plane?
How far is Thailand from New York by plane?
The distance between Thailand and New York by plane is approximately 8,930 miles. It takes approximately 16 hours and 30 minutes to fly from Bangkok to New York.
There are several airlines that offer flights between Bangkok and New York, including Thai Airways, Delta, United Airlines, and American Airlines. The cost of a one-way ticket varies depending on the airline and the date of travel.
The main airport in Bangkok is Suvarnabhumi Airport, and the main airport in New York is John F. Kennedy International Airport.