In Indonesia, there are many ways to say “thank you”. The most common way to say thank you is “terima kasih”. You can also say “matur nuwun” or “ganbatte”. “Matur nuwun” is more formal than “terima kasih”, and “ganbatte” is more casual than “terima kasih”.
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How do you say thank you in Indonesian slang?
There are a few ways to say thank you in Indonesian slang. One way is to say “Terima kasih banyak” which means “Thank you very much”. Another way is to say “Makasih” which also means “Thank you”.
How do you say thank you very much in Indonesian?
Thank you very much is kamsahamnida in Korean, grazie in Italian, danke in German, merci in French, and gracias in Spanish. In Indonesian, it is terima kasih banyak-banyak.
How do you say thank you in Bali language?
Bali, an Indonesian island in the Lesser Sunda Islands, is home to the Balinese language. As with most languages, the way to say “thank you” in Balinese depends on the tone of voice and the context in which it is used.
There are several phrases that can be used to say “thank you” in Balinese, depending on the level of formality and the context. The most common phrase is “terima kasih” (pronounced “teh-ree-muh kuh-see”). This phrase can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Another phrase that can be used to say “thank you” is “matur nuwun” (pronounced “mah-too-ruh noo-wuhn”). This phrase is used primarily in formal contexts.
There are also a few other phrases that can be used to say “thank you”, but they are less common. One such phrase is “kasih” (pronounced “kuh-see”). This phrase can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
Finally, there is the phrase “atur nuwun” (pronounced “ah-too-ruh noo-wuhn”). This phrase is also used primarily in formal contexts.
How do you respectfully say thank you?
When it comes to saying thank you, there are many different ways to do so respectfully. Here are a few examples:
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your kindness.
Thank you for your generosity.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your understanding.
How do Indonesians greet each other?
The Indonesian way of greeting is usually done through a handshake and a smile. In more formal settings, a bow may also be used. The tone of voice is usually polite and cheerful.
In Indonesia, there are many different dialects, so the way people greet each other may vary depending on the region. However, the handshake and smile gesture is commonly used in most parts of the country.
When meeting someone for the first time, it is customary to say “Selamat pagi” (good morning), “Selamat sore” (good afternoon), or “Selamat malam” (good evening). You may also say “Hai” (hello) or “Perkenalkan” (nice to meet you).
If you are introduced to someone who is older than you, it is polite to say “Terima kasih” (thank you) after they have greeted you.
When leaving, you can say “Salam” (bye) or “Selamat jalan” (have a good journey).
What is Selamat Pagi?
Selamat pagi is a Malay phrase which means “good morning”. It is used as a greeting to someone who is up and about in the morning. Selamat pagi can be abbreviated to “s.p.”
The phrase is often used in the morning, but can also be used at other times of the day. It can be used to greet people of all ages, including children.
There are many different ways to say “good morning” in different languages. Selamat pagi is one of the most common ways to say it in Malay.
How do you greet in Indonesia?
In Indonesia, there are a few ways to greet people, depending on your relationship to them and the context of the situation. The most common way to greet someone is to say “Selamat pagi,” which means “Good morning” in Indonesian. You can also say “Selamat sore,” which means “Good afternoon.” If you are meeting someone for the first time, you can say “Selamat datang,” which means “Welcome.” You can also say “Terima kasih,” which means “Thank you.” In a formal situation, you can say “Selamat malam,” which means “Good night.