Country Code Indonesia is a two letter country code assigned to Indonesia. The code is used in the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is the international standard for country codes.
The country code Indonesia is also used in Internet protocols, such as the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and in various file formats.
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How do you call Indonesia from the US?
If you’re in the United States and want to call someone in Indonesia, you need to use an international calling code to dial out of the country. The international calling code for the United States is 011, so to call someone in Indonesia, you would dial 011-62-xxx-xxx-xxxx.
How do I dial a +62 number?
When dialing a phone number in Indonesia, you need to dial the country code for Indonesia (62), followed by the area code and the phone number.
The country code for Indonesia is 62. The area code for Jakarta is 1. The phone number is 97222222. So to dial this number from the US, you would dial: 011-62-1-97222222.
What country uses +62?
What country uses 62?
62 is the international dialing code for the Philippines.
What is the 2 letter country code for Indonesia?
What is the 2 letter country code for Indonesia?
The 2 letter country code for Indonesia is ID.
How many digits is Indonesia number?
In Indonesia, the number is composed of 18 digits. The first six digits is the area code, which is followed by the subscriber number. The last six digits is the unique number assigned to the subscriber.
Which country code is 08?
The country code for telephone calls to the United Kingdom is 08. This code is used for all calls to British landlines and mobiles, regardless of the caller’s location.
To dial the United Kingdom from abroad, first dial the international access code for your country. Then dial 44, followed by the UK country code of 08. Finally, dial the number you wish to call.
For example, to call a British landline number from the United States, you would dial 011 (US international access code), 44 (UK country code), and the number you are calling. To call a British mobile number from the US, you would dial 011, 44, and the mobile number.
Which country code is +7 9?
The country code for Kazakhstan is +7 9.