The capital of Indonesia, Jakarta, is located on the island of Java. The city is divided into five administrative districts, which are further divided into sub-districts. The city has a population of over 10 million people and is the most populous city in Indonesia.
The climate in Jakarta is tropical, with hot and humid weather year-round. The rainy season runs from October to April, and the dry season from May to September. The average temperature in Jakarta is around 26 degrees Celsius.
Jakarta is the most important economic and cultural center in Indonesia. The city is home to a large number of universities, museums, and other cultural attractions. Jakarta is also a major transportation hub, with a large international airport and a busy port.
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What state or province is Jakarta in?
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia and is located on the island of Java. The city is divided into five administrative regions, which are further divided into regencies and cities. The Western Java region is the most populous, while the Central Java region has the largest area.
Is Jakarta a state or country?
Is Jakarta a state or country?
This is a question that has sparked debate for many years. Some people say that Jakarta is a state, while others say that it is a country. So, which is it?
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It is located on the island of Java and has a population of over 10 million people. Jakarta is also the largest city in Indonesia.
So, is Jakarta a state or a country?
Well, Jakarta is technically both a state and a country. It is a state because it is part of Indonesia, and it is a country because it has its own government and is its own entity.
Jakarta is unique in that it is both a state and a country. In most cases, a state is part of a larger country, while a country is its own entity. However, Jakarta is both a state and a country, and it is the capital of Indonesia.
So, is Jakarta a state or a country?
The answer is both. Jakarta is a state because it is part of Indonesia, and it is a country because it has its own government and is its own entity.
Does Indonesia have state?
Since the end of the Suharto regime in 1998, there has been a lively debate about the nature of the Indonesian state. Suharto’s New Order regime, which lasted from 1967 until 1998, was a military dictatorship and as such it was characterised by a very strong centralised state. This centralised state was based on a highly authoritarian form of government which limited the role of political parties and civil society organisations, and which relied on the military and the police to maintain order.
Since the end of the Suharto regime, there has been a move towards a more decentralised form of government in Indonesia. This has been reflected in the increased role of political parties and civil society organisations, and in the move away from a reliance on the military and the police to maintain order. However, it is still not clear whether Indonesia has a fully fledged state or whether it is still in the process of transitioning to a fully fledged state.
There are a number of factors which suggest that Indonesia has not yet reached the stage of having a fully fledged state. One of these is the continued role of the military and the police in Indonesian politics. The military and the police have been involved in a number of coups and attempted coups since the end of the Suharto regime, and they continue to wield significant political power. Another factor which suggests that Indonesia has not yet reached the stage of having a fully fledged state is the fact that the central government still wields significant power over the provinces. The provinces have a degree of autonomy, but the central government can still intervene in their affairs if it deems necessary.
There are also a number of factors which suggest that Indonesia is in the process of transitioning to a fully fledged state. One of these is the increased role of political parties and civil society organisations in Indonesian politics. Political parties and civil society organisations have played a significant role in the political process since the end of the Suharto regime, and this is likely to continue in the future. Another factor which suggests that Indonesia is in the process of transitioning to a fully fledged state is the fact that the provinces have a degree of autonomy. The provinces have a certain amount of autonomy over their own affairs, and this is likely to increase in the future.
Overall, it is difficult to say whether Indonesia has a fully fledged state or not. There are a number of factors which suggest that it does not have a fully fledged state, and a number of factors which suggest that it is in the process of transitioning to a fully fledged state. It is likely that Indonesia will eventually reach the stage of having a fully fledged state, but it is not clear when this will happen.
Which state capital is Jakarta?
Jakarta is the capital of Indonesia. It is located on the northwest coast of the island of Java. Jakarta is the largest city in Indonesia and the second-largest city in Southeast Asia.
Is state and province the same?
There is often confusion about the difference between states and provinces. In the United States, states are the primary subdivisions of the country, while provinces are found in Canada, India, and a few other countries.
The biggest difference between states and provinces is the level of government they represent. A state is a subdivision of the United States federal government, while a province is a subdivision of the national government of the country in which it is found. For example, in the United States, the state of Texas is a subdivision of the federal government, while in Canada, the province of Quebec is a subdivision of the national government.
Another difference between states and provinces is their size. A state can be as small as a single county or as large as a multi-state region. A province, on the other hand, is typically smaller than a state, covering only a single province or a few provinces.
The level of government, size, and other factors can vary from country to country. In India, for example, states are subdivisions of the national government, while in the United Kingdom, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are all subdivisions of the national government.
What is province and city?
What is province and city?
A province is a type of administrative division in a number of countries, including China, India, and Russia. A province is typically a large area with a number of cities and towns within it.
A city is a type of administrative division in a number of countries, including China, India, and Russia. A city is typically a smaller area with a number of municipalities within it.
What are the states of Indonesia?
The Republic of Indonesia is an archipelagic country that consists of more than 17,000 islands. It has 34 provinces, and each of them has its own unique culture and history.
The first step in understanding the states of Indonesia is to know its history. Indonesia was once divided into several kingdoms, each with its own ruler. However, in the 1800s, these kingdoms began to fall apart and were eventually replaced by the Dutch colonial government.
In 1945, Indonesia declared its independence from the Dutch and eventually became a republic. Since then, the country has undergone a number of political changes, with new provinces being created and others being merged.
Today, Indonesia is divided into 34 provinces. Each province has its own unique culture and history. The largest and most populous province is Java, which is home to the capital city of Jakarta. Other provinces of note include Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Bali.
Each of Indonesia’s provinces is governed by a governor, who is appointed by the president. The governor is responsible for overseeing the administration of the province and ensuring that its laws are enforced.
The provinces are also subdivided into regencies and municipalities. The regencies are further subdivided into districts, and the municipalities are subdivided into villages.
The level of government below the province is the regency. The regency is governed by a regent, who is appointed by the governor. The regent is responsible for overseeing the administration of the regency and ensuring that its laws are enforced.
The regencies are subdivided into districts, which are governed by a district head. The district head is appointed by the regent. The district head is responsible for overseeing the administration of the district and ensuring that its laws are enforced.
The level of government below the regency is the municipality. The municipality is governed by a mayor, who is appointed by the regent. The mayor is responsible for overseeing the administration of the municipality and ensuring that its laws are enforced.
The municipalities are subdivided into villages, which are governed by a village head. The village head is appointed by the mayor. The village head is responsible for overseeing the administration of the village and ensuring that its laws are enforced.