If you are thinking of marrying an Indonesia girl, there are a few things you need to do to make sure the marriage goes smoothly. Below are some tips to help make your marriage with an Indonesia girl a success.
First, make sure you are familiar with the Indonesian culture. Indonesia is a very diverse country, with over 300 different ethnic groups, so it is important to understand the cultural norms of the region where your wife is from. If you are not familiar with the culture, you may make a mistake that could potentially cause a rift between you and your wife.
Second, be sure to respect your wife’s family. The family is very important in Indonesian culture, and you should make every effort to get along with your wife’s family members. Failure to do so could lead to tension and conflict in your marriage.
Third, be patient. Indonesia is a very traditional country, and relationships tend to move slowly here. Don’t expect your wife to be completely open and trusting of you right away. It may take time for her to warm up to you, so be patient and understanding.
Fourth, learn the language. Unless you are fluent in Indonesian, it is important to learn some key phrases so you can communicate with your wife. Not being able to communicate with your wife can lead to frustration and misunderstanding.
Finally, be prepared for cultural differences. There will inevitably be cultural differences between you and your wife, so be prepared to deal with them. Try to be understanding and open-minded, and don’t be offended if your wife does something that seems strange to you. By following these tips, you can help make your marriage with an Indonesia girl a success.
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What is the marriage age of girl in Indonesia?
The marriage age of girl in Indonesia is 16 years old. However, parents can marry their daughter off at a younger age if they have the consent of the religious court. In general, the marriageable age for boys is 18 years old.
The Indonesian legal system sets the marriageable age for boys and girls at 16 years old, but there are a few exceptions. Parents can marry their daughter off at a younger age if they have the consent of the religious court. In general, the marriageable age for boys is 18 years old.
There are a number of reasons why the marriageable age is 16 years old. First, the Indonesian government wants to protect girls from being married off at a young age. Second, the government wants to ensure that girls are able to complete their education before getting married. Third, the government wants to ensure that girls are able to start their own families when they are ready.
Despite the fact that the marriageable age is 16 years old, child marriage is still common in Indonesia. In fact, one-third of all marriages in Indonesia involve girls who are younger than 18 years old. Many of these marriages occur in rural areas, where girls are often married off to older men.
The Indonesian government is working to end child marriage. In recent years, the government has introduced a number of measures to prevent child marriage. These measures include:
– Raising the marriageable age to 18 years old
– Banning child marriage
– Providing financial assistance to girls who stay in school
– Providing vocational training to girls who are not in school
The Indonesian government is also working with religious leaders to promote the importance of delaying marriage until girls are 18 years old.
Ultimately, the Indonesian government wants to end child marriage in Indonesia. By raising the marriageable age to 18 years old and banning child marriage, the government is taking important steps to protect the rights of girls in Indonesia.
What type of marriage do Indonesians have?
What type of marriage do Indonesians have?
There are three types of marriage in Indonesia: monogamy, polygamy, and polyandry.
Monogamy is the most common type of marriage, where a husband and wife are legally married to each other and have only one spouse. Polygamy is a marriage where a husband is allowed to have more than one wife, while polyandry is a marriage where a wife is allowed to have more than one husband.
The type of marriage that a person chooses to have is usually based on their culture and religion. For example, Muslims in Indonesia are allowed to have polygamous marriages, while Christians are not allowed to have polygamous marriages.
Each type of marriage has its own advantages and disadvantages. Monogamous marriages are usually the most stable, because both spouses are committed to each other. Polygamous marriages can be more unstable, because it can be difficult to manage multiple wives and husbands. Polyandrous marriages are not as common, and they usually involve a woman having multiple husbands who share equal responsibility for her and their children.
The type of marriage that Indonesians have is usually based on their culture and religion. Monogamous marriages are the most common type of marriage in Indonesia, while polygamy is more common in Muslim marriages. Each type of marriage has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to the individual to decide which type of marriage is best for them.
Who pays dowry in Indonesia?
Dowry (Jawa: dhuwit) is an Indonesian word which is used in both Javanese and Indonesian languages. It is an ancient tradition in Indonesia, which is believed to have been derived from the Hinduism and Buddhism. Dowry is the money, goods, or estate that a woman brings to her husband at the time of marriage.
Traditionally, the bride’s family is responsible for paying the dowry, but in modern times, the groom’s family often pays the dowry. The dowry is traditionally given to the groom’s family before the marriage, but it may also be given to the bride herself.
The dowry is often used to buy furniture, appliances, and other household items for the new home. It is also used to pay for the wedding ceremony and the wedding feast.
The dowry is an important part of Indonesian culture, and it is often considered to be a symbol of the bride’s worth. The size of the dowry varies from region to region, and it is often based on the bride’s education, social status, and family wealth.
The tradition of dowry is practiced in both Muslim and Hindu families in Indonesia. In Muslim families, the dowry is known as mahar, and it is often given to the bride’s family rather than the groom’s family.
The tradition of dowry is declining in Indonesia, and it is now being replaced by the tradition of bridal gifts. Bridal gifts are given to the bride by her family and friends on the day of the wedding. These gifts are usually cash or jewelry.
The bride’s family traditionally pays the dowry in Indonesia, but in modern times, the groom’s family often pays the dowry. The dowry is used to buy furniture, appliances, and other household items for the new home, and it is also used to pay for the wedding ceremony and the wedding feast.
How does Indonesian conduct their traditional marriage?
In Indonesia, a traditional marriage is a religious ceremony that is often conducted by a priest or a religious figure. The marriage ceremony is a sacred ritual that is meant to unite a man and woman in a holy union.
The traditional marriage ceremony in Indonesia varies depending on the region. However, there are some common elements that are found in most Indonesian traditional marriages. The bride and groom typically kneel down in front of a sacred object, such as a religious statue or a family shrine, and they pray for blessings. They then exchange rings and recite vows to each other.
After the ceremony, the bride and groom have a traditional Indonesian wedding feast. The bride and groom typically sit at opposite ends of a large table, and their families and friends eat and drink together. The bride and groom usually do not eat or drink until after all the guests have finished.
The traditional marriage ceremony in Indonesia is a beautiful and solemn ritual that unites a man and woman in a sacred union. It is a special experience that is full of tradition and symbolism.
Can I marry Indonesian girl?
Can I marry an Indonesian girl?
Yes, you can marry an Indonesian girl, but you will need to meet certain eligibility requirements.
To marry an Indonesian girl, you must be a citizen of Indonesia or a foreign country that has a bilateral agreement with Indonesia allowing cross-border marriage.
You must also be at least 17 years old, and your Indonesian bride must be at least 16 years old.
If you are a foreign national, you must also have a valid residency permit in Indonesia.
Finally, you must meet certain financial and legal requirements. You must have a steady income and be able to provide for your wife and any children you may have. You must also have a valid marriage license and be registered with the Indonesian government.
If you meet all of these requirements, you can marry an Indonesian girl with the permission of her parents or guardian.
How many marriages are allowed in Indonesia?
In Indonesia, there is no limitation on the number of marriages a person can enter into. However, a marriage can only be registered if both parties are unmarried at the time of the marriage. If either party has been previously married, the marriage will not be registered.
Do Indonesians believe in divorce?
It is difficult to make a generalization about beliefs on divorce throughout Indonesia, as the country is ethnically and religiously diverse. However, a study by the Indonesian Survey Institute (LSI) in 2016 found that the majority of Indonesians (52 percent) believe that divorce is sometimes necessary.
This figure is broken down by religious affiliation, with Muslims being the most likely to believe in divorce as a necessary measure (69 percent), followed by Christians (48 percent) and Hindus (27 percent).
There are a number of factors that can contribute to a belief in divorce as a necessary measure. In some cases, it may be seen as the only way to end a harmful or abusive relationship. In other cases, it may be seen as a way to protect the wellbeing of children, who may be better off being raised by two separate parents than by parents who are constantly fighting.
Interestingly, the LSI study found that the majority of Indonesians who believe in divorce as a necessary measure also believe that it should be a last resort, after all other options have been exhausted. This indicates that, overall, Indonesians are reluctant to divorce, but see it as a measure of last resort in cases where it is deemed necessary.